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H. Minutes - April 21, 2010, Approved
APRIL 21, 2010

A meeting of the Salem Historical Commission was held on Wednesday, April 7, 2010 at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Ms. Diozzi, Ms. Bellin, Ms. Herbert and Ms. MsCrea.

78 Washington Square

Amanda Flood and Michael Kochansky submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to install 1” PVC piping on the left side freeze board, attached flush to the house along the side downspout, extending vertically to the second floor left side elevation and entering unit at kitchen.  The purpose is to accommodate needed power from the basement circuit breaker to the kitchen to install a 30” dishwasher.

Mr. Kochansky stated that there is a central vacuum exhaust at the corner below the hedge that cannot be seen.  The new pipe will come out on the corner and run horizontally to the downspout and vertically along downspout up to the kitchen.  The way basement is designed (where the circuit breakers are located) and where kitchen is set, which are on either end of the building, there is no way to snake it internally.

Madeline Saunders, 54 Essex Street stated that they have had water problems in basement and came to find out if the homeowner’s problem was related to water.

Ms. Herbert stated that the pipe is for electrical, not water.

Ms. Flood stated it could be 1” PVC or could be steel.

Ms. Diozzi stated that it would need to be painted what it runs over.

Ms. Herbert stated that it would be the house color.

Ms. Diozzi asked if the condo association on board.

Mr. Kochansky replied in the affirmative.

Ms. Herbert noted that it would be invisible behind hedges till it rises up the side of the house.

Ms. Herbert made a move to approve the application as submitted in PVC or metal, painted to match house and secured to the building to make it as minimally noticeable as possible and penetrating the surface at the second floor so there is no need to go horizontally, if possible.   Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Other Business

  • 320 Lafayette Street – Comment on telecommunications installation
Ms. Guy stated that EBI Consultants submitted a request for comments under Section 106.  She stated that the Commission has reviewed a telecommunications installation at this site in the past.  This time it is Clearwire.  Last time it was MetroPCS.

Ms. Herbert questioned if the work previously done was completed as they showed us.  She stated it is not finished nicely.  She stated that it is horrendous already and looks just awful.  She felt the Commission should review the previous work the Commission approved.

Ms. Guy noted that the Commission cannot approve, only comment and send those comments to Massachusetts Historical Commission.

Ms. Herbert stated that the huge things on the ends of the buildings were supposed to be all finished flush and disappear.  She stated that it looks like they are not finished.  

Ms. Guy stated that the Commission’s comment letter stated painted, but there is no mention about being flush.

Ms. Herbert stated that what is up there now is detrimental to the look of the building and appears to be not what they had proposed.  They are painted, but are much more obtrusive than we were lead to believe.  She stated that she would like to take photo.  

Ms. Guy suggested that the Commission delegate Ms. Herbert, who can take a photo and stop by the Department of Planning & Community Development to look at the prior plan.  She noted that it is a different company submitting, so we cannot change what the prior company did.  She stated that even if the Commission finds that it was not done as proposed, the comment can be to MHC that it was not done as proposed and then provide separate comments for this proposed installation.  

Ms. Herbert stated that it looks very unprofessional.

Ms. Bellin made a motion to delegate review and comment to Ms. Herbert.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

  • Correspondence
  • Ms. Guy stated that the Building Department issued a Stop Work Order for 8 Botts Court.  She noted that the owner’s brother came in to get an application for a Certificate of Non-Applicability, but has not returned it as yet.
  • Ms. Guy stated that she issued another letter of support for the Salem Jail Complex Massachusetts Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Application
  • Ms. Guy stated that she e-mailed a project description for the Essex Heritage Scenic Byway and asked if Commission members had any comments.  Ms. Bellin stated that she read the information but did not have any comments.  Ms. Guy stated that she felt there was really nothing to comment on until a draft plan is prepared or a signage proposal is submitted.

There being no further business, Ms. Bellin made a motion to adjourn.  Ms. Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy
Clerk of the Commission